A week long wellness retreat in Koh Samui, Thailand.

My big take away was how much inflammation we hold in our bodies, particularly due to stress. I know stress and cortisol are not my friend but I know first hand how it can manipulate our bodies.

Like most people, my stress levels are up there a lot of the time – juggling 1000 things and multi tasking like a fiend. By the time I crawled off the shuttle bus and into the retreat I was exhausted and spent. Leading up to it – I’d been burning the candle at both ends and really pushing it hard. I worked on the plane right up to the moment we landed – trying to get on top of things before I was entering into my “week off”.

Well let me tell you it wasn’t exactly a relaxing week off – it was more like a sometimes brutal boot camp however I enjoyed every second of it. Just being in different surroundings, with warm tropical weather and a completely different schedule and routine was the reset I needed.

My body was SO grateful – it was like THANK GOD and soaked up the experience like a dry sponge. I could feel the stress melting away and although it took a few days to adjust – by the end of the week I felt my shoulders had dropped, my back wasn’t aching and felt at peace and ease. It was an AWESOME feeling. I felt like I was truly living in the moment, not worrying about everything and to the point I couldn’t be bothered checking my emails!

After a week, there was no puffiness in my body, my adrenals felt recharged and I felt as though I had reset every level of my mind, body and soul.

So my thought for you to ponder is … How is Stress affecting you? Is it time for you to book a reset and recharge getaway? What will the next 6 months look like if you don’t have a break?

This year is all about putting the oxygen mask on yourself first so you can be better equipped to help others.

It’s not being selfish, it’s just being smart.

After all I’m here to promote Wellness not Illness!

Have a good one!

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